Dev @ Open Team Space
Hello you lovely Agile people

What’s the biggest missing piece of Agile?

Sprint boards? Iterations? Pair programming?

We think it’s the last part of the last “principle” of Agile Software Development: 1

“At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

The real power of Agile can only be realised if the team is improving itself over time. But, that’s by no means an easy trick to pull off. Many businesses see development teams as a vehicle for delivering software - limited by the amount of money available to invest in hiring and motivating engineers. The idea that a team can autonomously improve itself over time sounds like it’s too good to be true. Restructuring and time management techniques are sometimes tried. Teams are distrupted by attempts to reconfigure assignments.

What if you could demonstrate that your team is a cohesive, self-improving unit? That would go a long way to establishing trust in the value and reliability of your team as a longer-term part of the company. Our software is designed to assist in achieving that vision by helping to:

  1. Measure improvement over time
  2. Communicate the good (and the bad) effectively

“when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind”

Lord Kelvin